Forecasting Methodology
EMGE specialise in market research and forecasting within the Paper Industry. We are an independent company that is not part of any larger group or organisation.
We focus on the Paper, Packaging and Tissue sectors, gathering information directly and indirectly related to this sector. Our databases cover almost every aspect of the paper market, including Consumption, Imports, Exports, Production, Capacity, Operating Rates, Prices and much more.
We have access to extensive data sources, which cover published information from national and international bodies (e.g. EU), industry associations, trade publications and individual companies, as well as specific information shared by our extensive network of industry contacts. To obtain additional detail and knowledge we regularly perform our own surveys and use market research techniques to assess market sizes, trends, etc.
EMGE take great care and go to enormous lengths to understand the differences between various data, the sources and their classifications. We have been working on this for over 30 years, and continually strive to improve the reliability of data and expand the detail of the classifications.
The forecasts we provide are based on sophisticated models developed internally within EMGE. The assumptions behind the forecasts are carefully and thoroughly explained in our reports.
Our aim with the forecast reports is to help our clients assess the market risks and plan their business in the paper industry. Therefore, as well as specific forecasts, we develop and publish prediction scenarios and discuss alternative viewpoints in the reports, in order to help our clients succeed in a risky and highly dynamic marketplace.